Marriage Life in the Goodness of the Society & Principles of Increasing Love in Marital relationship

Marriage Life in the Goodness of the Society

Man wants to live his worldly life in the best and most beautiful way without any economic problems or social and immoral vices. May he live his days and nights with peace and security from all sides. Human civilization started from the family and its foundation was laid by Hazrat Adam and Hazrat Eve in the form of the first house and family. Love and intimacy which is included in the conscience of the human soul, led to the stability and survival of the family. The human soul has always yearned for it and without it man has suffered physical, mental and spiritual agony. The 21st century is considered the peak and culmination of human development. While this century marks the culmination of the development of the human mind, it is also the beginning of the destruction of human love, and it has also ended the relationships and loves associated with human existence in exchange for material comforts, conveniences and machines. In the present era, the family system in the West has been destroyed on this basis. The family comes into existence through the marriage of a man and a woman, which is called husband and wife. It is based on love.

Islam establishes a relationship of love and compassion, respect and compassion and sacrifice and trust between spouses. That's why he called husband and wife not rivals of each other, but helpers and helpers and described it as 'clothes'. Allah says: "They are clothes for you and you for them." (Surah Al-Baqarah: 178) Moreover, Allah made both of them a source of comfort for each other. Allah says:  Which he has to live and work and each will be questioned in relation to it. will be asked. He should arrange and manage the best education and training and manage the house in a good manner, but this will be possible only when the atmosphere of love and harmony between the spouses remains constant and their married life is happy. In this regard, Islam has given clear teachings, commands and established practical examples of how to deal with the wife and told the wife herself to never neglect her position and status. The fact is that for a happy married life both husband and wife must follow Islamic teachings.

Principles of increasing love in marital relationship

Love between husband and wife should be such that if one says I don't have a car, the other says I will walk with you.

If he gives a 50  as a gift and decorates his hair, he said, I could have brought the same.

One said my color is black, the other said thank you, Africa is not like Ethiopia.

When one says that I am not so good or good, the other says, I love you so much. Ask me if you are better than millions.

When one says I have what to give, the other says I have asked you what you have or what you don't have. Just give respect and love, everything will be found automatically.

One says, don't be bored, don't be in a mood, and the other says, I brought the children around the park, relax and rest.

When one says that there are many problems and the other in a completely relaxed manner holds his hand and says that both of them will look after such and such problems together.

When one says, leave, it's a long story, who has time to listen, and the other says, stay, bring the popcorn.

Now tell me who it was

This is love, this is relationships, this is peace, and this is called respect, and this is called life It is the dream of every man and woman to see each other against high, low, spring, autumn, blinding rain. And a woman has a strong desire that when she is in pain, her husband should understand her pain and hug her with love, and if she cries, hold her in his arms and cry. Let me take it When his heart becomes light, then clean his tears with love and give him the feeling of being himself, comfort him that I am there to listen to you and wrap up your scattered existence.

Believe me, such men are rare and the satisfaction and happiness of such men can be seen reflected on the faces of women, because there is no sadness inside them, then even if a thousand difficulties come, a woman does not care, and such a woman very soon. It doesn't even get old, try it and see.

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