The Main Purpose of Marriage is Love

The Main Purpose of Marriage is Love

How much darkness comes from this light.

Due to lack of  Love education, men's timing is affected, thinking is dull, they are not interested in business, job and housework, men and women are rough and irritable, but both do not understand enough that its Find a valid solution. can do

Due to lack of knowledge about  Love boys ruin their future 

Due to lack of  Love knowledge, boys and girls watch pornographic films and fail to adopt the same style as they have to resort to porn to understand and apply  Love knowledge in a new world. Introduced in which 70% lies are deception to eyes and mind by which our children are deceived because if someone like me dares to teach Love education on social media then there is no platform for proper education. is So people criticize him with borrowed wisdom and a bearded hat.

Due to the lack of knowledge about  Love husband and wife begin to abuse each other despite having inter Love and are looking for love for themselves because it is the nature of every living being to feel love. There is a natural demand.

The Main Purpose of Marriage is Love

Due to lack of knowledge about Love, men and women cannot fulfill each other's rights, due to lack of which both husband and wife suffer from depression and many mental diseases.

Due to lack of knowledge about Love, men and women are enjoying haram activities with strangers and moving away from halal relationships.

Because of lack of knowledge about Love women cannot be satisfied with their husbands and neither is the husband satisfied, nor can he love nor know how to give.

Due to lack of  Love knowledge, today boys and girls are getting pleasure from forbidden means and suffering from various  transmitted diseases including AID

Due to lack of knowledge about  Love daughter, sister cries tears of blood all her life, endures  Love abuse by husband, either husband uses her like an animal, or worm in woman to hide his shortcomings. takes out Yes but women don't realize the reality because in our society mothers, grandmothers and grandmothers teach these things, how to take care of the house, they never tell how to fulfill and how to have Love This education is attributed to modesty when the real purpose of marriage is Love

Boys and girls have been and will continue to be victims of  due to lack of  Love knowledge.

Due to lack of knowledge  Love about men have been forbidding inter Love with their wives due to which they become sinful and make their wives sick.

Due to lack of knowledge about gender, parents marry their children in old age due to which many men and women are suffering punishment for wrong actions and some men and women are suffering from psychological stress due to aging. are They have fallen victim to marriage. Man needs food for survival. Every human being needs marriage to enhance his mental and physical performance and realize his true purpose.

Nature has not intended marriage only for the procreation of children, but has made it a means of lawfully fulfilling the demands of human nature, which not only men but also women need. If the husband and wife fulfill each other's rights and needs with kindness and care, there is no reason for either man or woman to be victims of oppression.

In order to reduce these myths spread in the society,  Love education should be made compulsory after the appropriate age. If someone tries to explain, the ignorant will become less knowledgeable and the good people will only come out to criticize because the ignorant. An empty mind is good at making noise. Make your life easier. Consider the  Love education of sons and daughters to avoid sin so that the children do not make lying and deception from pornography a part of their future. physical peace, contentment and health. Luxurious thoughts can never understand the joy of this quiet life, because the taste of ginger is a complete  Love quality education, recognition of the value of lawful relationships. can do...

The industry is not an education , it is a teaching department. It was my job to explain Think and act positive.

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